Join our GP Surgery

Registering with the Surgery

If you would like to register with our NHS GP Practice as a new patient, you will need to complete the New Patient Registration Form online. Alternatively, you could collect a paper registration form from reception. You would need to complete and return this to reception with a form of ID and proof of address.

Please note –  if you do not have ID or proof of address you will still be able to register at the GP Practice.

Following receipt of completed registration form, our team will register your details on the system, please allow for 5 working days for the process to be completed. If you require urgent medication whilst your registration details are being uploaded, kindly supply proof of medication to our receptionist in the form of a repeat medication slip. 

You will be required to attend a New Patient Check with our Practice Nurse or Healthcare Assistant.

Unless stated otherwise, when registering at the Practice you will automatically be registered for online services.

Practice Area

If you would like to check whether you are resident within our Practice area and so eligible to register with us a Practice then please enter your postcode below.

Catchment Area

Overseas Visitors

Those who visit the UK from overseas must pay for their care when they are in England.

In 2015 changes were made to how the NHS charges overseas visitors for healthcare so the NHS does not lose out on income for the services these patients have received.

Temporary Registration

If you’re currently staying with a friend or family member within our GP surgery area for more than 24 hours but less than 3 months, you can ask to register as a temporary resident. You can find more information on registering as a temporary resident on the NHS website.

Registering with a GP as a temporary resident – NHS – NHS (

If you want to register as a temporary resident at our GP surgery, please contact us and we will send you the relevant registration form.

Non-English Speakers

These fact sheets have been written to explain the role of UK health services, the National Health Service (NHS), to newly-arrived individuals seeking asylum.

It covers issues such as the role of GPs, their function as gatekeepers to the health services, how to register and how to access emergency services.

Special care has been taken to ensure that information is given in clear language, and the content and style has been tested with user groups.

Open the leaflets in one of the following languages:

england EnglishUrdu Urdu
albania Albanianindia Hindi
egypt Arabiclithuania Lithuanian
bulgaria Bulgarianpoland Polish
china Chinese (Cantonese)portugal Portuguese
china Chinese (Mandarin)spain Spanish
russia RussianFrench French
Turkish TurkishPunjabi Punjabi
Gujerati GujeratiSomali Somali
Croatian CroatianBengali Bengali